Thursday, August 25, 2016

Office Convert PDF to JPG JPEG TIFF Free 4.9

The ubiquitous PDF is not the answer to everyone's problems. For those who need an image file instead, Office Convert PDF to JPEG offers users a simple way to make this leap.

This freeware program has an interface that is fairly simple to understand. While there are options for removing files and folders, most users are going to be concerned with the big blue button at the center of the program, Add File. This leads you to a simple file tree for finding PDFs. A selected file is listed on a large screen with its file name, location and size. The Convert button is just as prominent as the Add File button, so users won't have to guess what to do next.

Once a file is selected, the process is amazingly simple. Clicking the Convert button asks the user where they want their new JPEG to be stored and then goes right to work. A small chart pops up and monitors progress, which is a little slower than we'd like, but not too painful. When the job is over, the program takes you to your new JPEG.

download hire now

